sábado, 9 de febrero de 2019

Presentaciones en inglés (Belchite - Ribera Baja)

Presentaciones en inglés (Belchite - Ribera Baja)

Hola Amig@s Activ@s, aquí tenéis las presentaciones en inglés que han preparado los alumnos de los siete coles del sector Belchite - Ribera Baja para que nos podamos ir conociendo antes de la jornada del día 2 de Mayo. ¡¡Hasta pronto amig@s!!

Empezamos por los alumnos del CRA María Moliner:

  • Mediana de Aragón

We are the students of 3rd, 4th , 5th and 6th of Primary of CRA MARÍA MOLINER in Mediana de Aragón ( Zaragoza). We are from eight to eleven years.
Our favourite subjects are Physical Education, Maths and English. Our favourite sports are Datchball, Football, Basketball , Swimming, Gymnastics and Rollerblading.
We would like to do new sports and to see our friends from other schools. We think that Sport is funny and healthy.
See you on May!

*Pulsa en "Leer más" para ver todas las presentaciones de las localidades.

  • El Burgo de Ebro:

Seguimos con los alumnos del CRA L`Albardín:

  • Almonacid:
We are Neo, Sara, Dani and Ariel.
We are from Almonacid de la Cuba. My village is beautiful and small. There are around 300 inhabitants. We have one shop and two pubs.
My school is small and wonderful. We are six students with one teacher.
We love datchball and football. We love play videogames, too.
See you soon!!!

  • Azuara:

We are the students in Azuara. In class, we are eight people, one second grade student, one third grade student, two fourth grade students, two fifth grade students and two sixth grade students. We also have six different teachers in the school.
We are nice and funny, we love playing Datchball, Pichi and football in the playground. We like a lot of subjects; P.E., social science, Maths, Spanish language, English and Art. We love travelling and, every time we read a book, we learn from a new city.
Our class is yellow and white. We have a digital board, a little blackboard, seven computers, lots of maps and a small library.
Azuara is a small village and there are just a few people living here. There is a town hall, a church, a sports center and lots of farms. We love Azuara because it is small and we can play in the street. Azuara is great!!!

  • Lécera:
Lécera is a village of 700 inhabitants. My school is small and we like playing in the playground because we play dodgeball everyday.
My school is amazing because it has got cool classrooms like the ICT classroom.
Also students are very friendly and kind
If you want to visit us we will be happy to see you

  • Letux:
We are Paloma and Helen. We study in the CRA L’Albardín in Letux School.
There are 300 inhabitants in Letux. We have lots of parks when we play all days. We have a big football field in the town. We have a basketball field in the school but we can’t play basketball match because we are four people in the school.
Our favourite sport is smash ball because it’s similar to volleyball.

See you in Amigos Activos!!!

  • Moyuela:
Moyuela is located in Zaragoza close to Teruel. It has 245 inhabitants.
Our school is small, but we like it. What we like most about our school is the playground. We play basketball and datchball there.
Our students are very active, kind, funny and a little bit freak about computer games.
Our favourite subject is PE, we like playing different games and we love our teacher.
We hope to see you soon in AMIGOS ACTIVOS.

Ahora se presentan los alumnos del CRA del Ebro:

  •  Gelsa:
Hello! We are the students from “C.R.A. DEL EBRO”. Our school is in Gelsa. Velilla and La Zaida are the other villages that belong to C.R.A. DEL EBRO
We are 8 kids in year 3 and 5 kids  in year 4. We study together in the same class.
Our tutor teacher is Eva. Our Physical Education teacher is Raúl and our English teacher is María. 
Our favourite subjects are English, maths, and P.E of course!
We love playing datchball, “pichi” and “pelota sentada”.
And we also love playing hockey and tennis. 
We are looking forward to  playing and having fun with other children from Quinto, Fuentes, Pina, Belchite, El Burgo, Mediana, Azuara, Letux, Almonacid, Moyuela and Lécera.
See you soon!!!

  • Velilla de Ebro:

Hello! We are from Velilla de Ebro. Our school is CRA del Ebro. In Velilla we have two classes. In primary class we are fourteen students but in 3º and 4º E.P. we are seven. Our tutor is Andrea and the P.E. teacher is Fran.
We like a lot of sports but we prefer playing football, handball, datchball and ball sitting.  
We all want to go to “Amigos Activos”, make a lot of new friends and have fun with the different sports.

Presentación de los alumnos del CEIP Belia de Belchite:

  • 5º grade class:

  • 4º grade class:

Presentación de los alumnos del CEIP Fernando el Católico:
  • Year 4:
Hi! This is 4th grade class in Quinto. We are 19 students in the class, 11 boys and 8 girls. We are very talkative and participative.
Our tutor and PE teacher is Jesús. He is the best teacher and a cool person.
Our favourite subjests are PE and Maths.
We love our school, and our favourite places are the playground, our classroom and the gym.
We love playing Datchball and Colpbol and we´re very competitive…
Last year we had a funny day in Amigos Activos and we hope to see you soon.

  • Year 5:
Hi! We are 5th grade class. Our school is Fernando el Católico in Quinto. In my class there are 3 girls and 13 boys.
Our tutor is Edu, Ana is the English teacher and Vero is the PE teacher.
We love playing Datchball, Colpbol, Four Square, football and Pichi.
We love doing sports and we ´re very competitive and sporty. But we are very friendly and charming.
We hope to see you son.

Ahí va la presentación de los alumnos del CEIP Luis García Sainz que nos dejan este vídeo:

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